baby safety
What To Do If Your Child Has Been Poisoned
November 13, 2017
Child Medication Error
January 5, 2018
baby safety
What To Do If Your Child Has Been Poisoned
November 13, 2017
Child Medication Error
January 5, 2018

If your child has head lice or nits, it should be treated.  Having head lice does not mean you have poor hygiene. Most people get head lice when they have head-to-head contact with someone who has head lice, shared items like hats or brushes, sitting in close proximity to others or sleeping in the same bed among other.  Head-lice infestations are especially common in schools. In the United States, it is believed that about 6 to 12 million children between the age of 3 and 12 years of age get head lice each year.

The lice need human blood to survive. It doesn’t matter if you have clean hair or dirty hair.

The CDC says you won’t need to call a pest control company. There is no need to fumigate your house or treat your pets for lice. Having lice has nothing to do with cleanliness or environment, as they don’t come from the outdoors or from your pets.

Medications for Killing Lice

You can treat lice successfully at home. Lice treatments (called pediculicides) are available over the counter or with a prescription. They include shampoos, lotions, and cream rinses. Don’t use more than the recommended amount or combine different products. If you still see lice moving after using an over-the-counter treatment, you should contact us.

Watch this video from the U.S. Food & Drug to learn more.

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